Sealing keeps most stains suspended at the surface, creating a barrier that provides protection against chemical attack, deterioration and contamination. Sealing is the first important step towards protecting your surfaces against stains.
Two Main Sealing Options
- Deep Penetrating Impregnating Sealer
- Topical Sealer (Film Forming)
(Transparent Finish/Colour Enhancing Finish)
(Gloss/Satin/Matte Finish)

A deep penetrating impregnating sealer protects tile and grout from water and oil based stains by chemically reacting with the surface pores using nano-technology, creating a breathable protective barrier. An impregnating sealer protects the surface and grout from absorbing stains while also resulting in cleaning and maintenance becoming much easier.
Australia's Deepshield™ range of impregnating water based sealer's offer long term benefits lasting for up to 10 years with Deepshield GOLD® based on the latest fluoro-bond technology lasting for up to 15 years.
Deepshield™ penetrating breathable water based sealers contain tiny nano particles designed to penetrate the micro pore structure of stone, tile and grout. The sealer is absorbed deep into the pores and once the water (carrier) evaporates, the nano particles remain, sealing the micro pores and keeping moisture and stain carrying substances out.

Tile Cleaners® are experts at applying all types of sealer and will ensure your surfaces look their absolute best. Tile Cleaners® experienced technicians can apply a topical sealer when especially required to create a high gloss, satin sheen or matte finish to your surfaces. Topical sealer is also helpful in situations where the old solvent based sealer can not be completely removed or when required to hide certain types of damage. Topical sealer's have a life expectancy of 3-5 years.
You can easily test how porous your surfaces are by applying a drop of water and watching how the it is absorbed. You can then see how any potential water based stain can be absorbed by the tile surface and grout.

We provide specialised stripping & sealing as well as restoration solutions for all natural and man-made tiles
Save yourself time, effort and money and let our team of professionals restore your surfaces to their best possible condition.
To schedule your appointment or to obtain a free estimate, Call 1300 771 201 or use our quick online enquiry form
Water based sealer's and solvent-based sealer's can both be used, however unless absolutely required for a specific reason, we always recommend applying a water based sealer that doesn't produce harmful fumes during application and removal. Water based sealers are easier to apply and remove and also require less drying time.
It is important to ensure the correct water based sealer is applied to your tiles, which will also depend on whether they are indoors or outdoors as most sealer's will not last long outside due to being designed for internal use. If your tiles are outdoors, it is important to use a water based sealer that is specifically designed for outdoor surfaces
There are two types of impregnating clear sealer, water based sealer & solvent based. In the past solvent based sealers were more widely used as they used to absorb deeper into the surface and grout and would also last longer. Today however, thanks to new technological advancements, it is recommended only to use water based sealer's, which last much longer and cause less potential damage to health and property.

Solvent based products are more difficult to apply and can create major problems when applied incorrectly as they are very hard to remove. Tile Cleaners® recommend our clients apply a long lasting water based sealer such as a quality product from Australia's Deepshield® range of sealer's to their tile and grout. Topical sealer's (film forming) are still widely used, however these older style sealer's can trap moisture in the stone and make the surface slippery when wet. When a topical sealer wears in higher traffic areas, the entire surface usually needs to be stripped and re-sealed.
It is very important to ensure that tiles achieve their cleanest possible condition prior to being sealed. This will protect the appearance of the tile, and importantly ensure that there won't be any dirt, stains or other debris caught under the layer of sealant.

To provide the best possible protection from oil and water-based stains; to maintain the look and slip resistance of your surfaces and to prevent damaging moisture from being trapped within the tile, it is recommended to seal your surfaces with a high quality, invisible, fully breathable impregnating sealer.
We provide specialised stripping & sealing solutions for all surfaces
Save yourself time, effort and money and let our team of professionals restore your floors to their best possible condition
To schedule your appointment or to obtain a free estimate, Call 1300 771 201 or use our quick online enquiry form
We cover all Adelaide suburbs and all Burnside area