The word granite comes from the Latin granum, or grain, and is formed deep underneath the earth's surface. It is a solidification of molten rock before it reached the surface and for this reason is extremely dense and difficult to etch or scratch. Geology texts report it is the most abundant rock found in the continental crust and becomes exposed in the cores of many mountain ranges in large areas known as batholiths. This exposure occurs when the overlying sedimentary rocks are eroded and the granite uplifted. It is the most common igneous rock used to make counter tops, tiles, pavers and cemetery monuments. It can bear a significant amount of weight, resist weather and polishes up brilliantly making it one of the most desirable and useful stones.
Its high cost is what reduces its popularity in construction use, with a significantly higher price tag than man-made materials. In major city projects and grand designs it is selected because of its prestige, elegance and durability.